Wednesday 14 May 2008

Positive Mental Attitude - not always easy to maintain!

Well, today's another day. And so is tomorrow, but that's not here yet, and you probably won't notice tomorrow until its yesterday, so I'll concentrate on today, 'cause that's where I am.

Having said that, I'll start with yesterday, which was today when today was tomorrow. Got it? Good.

When I picked up The Boy from the Baby Farm yesterday evening he was surprisingly crying (not his usual forte), but his keyworker put it down to the fact that he had been outside and wasn't liking the breeze, that and he was tired, and he seems more recently to not be able to sleep at the Baby Farm - probably due to all the shiny things and colourful distractions - afraid he might miss something!
Anyway, this Grumpy-Tired mood helped him to drop off in the Family Chariot on the way home, and I put him down when we got in, which is where he stayed for 3 hours before waking up for his tea at about 9 pm! This is when we noticed yet more teeth coming through - his canines this time- which should help bring his total amount of food-destroyers to 12. Kinda explains his Grumpy-Tiredness as well.

So back to today (although I was in today before, just yesterday's today); I had a bit of a lie-in today, facilitated by the fact that this is one of Go-To-Work Mum's days off, and crawled out of my pit around... Let's just say it was after 12pm!

Had the requisite nicotine and caffeine fix (note: this is not a health blog!) and started to get on with some of the day's chores. My new business pack had arrived in the morning's post, so plentiful reading materials and even a dvd to watch to help me grow my business; unfortunately, today seems to be one of those days where I just wasn't in the mood for some reason, I firmly beleive in Positive Mental Attitude and all that, but sometimes I think you need to spend some time to feel down before you can accept the lift of PMA. All part and parcel of being a cynic I guess.

So I took a walk down to the shop about half a mile away to get some milk. Its a lovely day, the sunshine buoyed my mood a little and the walk provided thinking time away from the Boy's whining. With some fresh milk I was able to have my coffee fix (I generally need 1 cuppa, followed by 2 coffees with 2 or 3 cigs before I feel ready to start a day). I drank that surrounded by a mountain of paperwork to get through, had a minor stress, then got on with Stuff.

The Boy has gone for an afternoon snooze, which gives me some free time to be at the computer without him trying to help me type! (hundreds of pounds spent on brightly coloured and occasionally educational toys, but he'd still rather play with computers and remote controls!).
I had a nice email letting me know that I have been approved for a scheme, which means that once I've collated all my necessary content, and finished writing my articles, I'll be able to 'launch' which is fairly exciting for me. If I can make that work, then there's a couple of other sites I'll be building (on different subjects).

I find that maybe the problem with Doing Things Properly, even at my tender age (30) is that feeling that I've wasted time, and that there's now a lot less of it to waste. 10 years ago, when I had the opportunity (and the lack of expenses and responsiblilties) I was far more interested in NOW - earning money NOW with no great thoughts to the future; however, now I am trying to build things for the future, I realise that These Things Take Time to come to fruition - try telling that to the companies you bounced diect debits from! Still - onwards and upwards, they can't take it if I don't have it, and in fairness, they are being fairly accommodating and understanding of the situation so I can't (won't) complain too much.

Crikey! even in the past half hour while I've been typing this I've had 2 things to help me remember I'm headed in the right direction - firstly a phone call from my mentor on the new business thing, to let me know I'm booked on training (on Nana Hugs' birthday) so I can get cracking with that fairly soon; secondly, I've now seen the 3rd edit of our music video - not quite perfect yet, but definitely getting there! Good Stuff!

Which brings me back to something I was saying earlier... while I may have been moaning a little about The Boy's whining, a hidden bonus of his increased Grumpy-Tiredness is that he's a lot more in need of cuddles! He comes and gives a kiss properly (the baby way - mouth open!) and he's quite keen on just being picked up and cuddled, which is great!

I feel I must point out that even within the confines of an unconventional Go-To-Work Mum, Stay-At-Home Dad set-up, we are still fairly unconventional; although GTW Mum is pretty much 9-5, The Stay-At-Home Dad has rarely been that 9-5er. In fact during the years I was meant to be, I spent a considerable amount of time being chastised by my highers for timekeeping. We are not a get up at 7 am for breakfast kinda family, more get up around 10ish kinda family. ( I swear The Boy would sleep for days if we let him). This is why The Boy is often up late - his day, like mine, is just shifted along a couple of hours, and that works for us. I spend a lot of time at the computer which enables me to work late and when The Boy is asleep; as well as being in The Band which is mostly evening work, apart from the tedious video and photo shoots. I say tedious; they are generally fun, but I put that down to spending time with 3 of my best mates. The actual processes of either posing for photos or miming along to your own song for 3 hours can be tedious, repetitive and sometimes embarrassing! Its not quite the glamour you may expect.

Anyway, today's blog has proved somewhat cathartic for me, the sun is still blazing even at 5.40 pm, I've got a shedload of work to do (which I'm now looking forward to), and The Boy will no doubt be awaking from his afternoon slumber any minute.

Same time tomorrow then?

The Stay-At-Home Dad

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