Friday 16 May 2008

Part I: Late Nights

Well yes, I skipped a day yesterday, sorry, I wasn't feeling in the mood, but today, to make it up, I'll write 2 posts... how's that sound?

The Stay=-At-Home Dad wasn't having a good day yesterday - just one of those where all the little things, the small niggles and the tiny manageable bits of work all gang up together to make a MONSTER that needs dealing with.

This wasn't helped by The Boy's incessant whining (due to his teeth coming through we think). Whining isn't really The Boy's strong point - he's usually just babbling and having fun unless he's hungry or tired (which are relatively easy-fixes), but the whining is almost constant and means even if we just leave him to go to the kitchen (where he can still see us) to make him some dinner he'll still whine! We had some respite when he went to bed, but that was shortlived as he woke up around 3.24 am in an attempt to get everyone up and out of the building by crying and wailing at the top of his lungs. For an hour or so. I bet our neighbours love us!

It was a strange one though; as Go-To-Work Mum brought The Boy into our bedroom to see if The-Stay-At-Home Dad could calm him while GTWMum prepared a bottle to try and help settle him again, The Boy just appeared frightened of us! Eventually he settled whilst watching Over The Hedge - a cracking CGI film if you haven't seen it.

I got The Boy up this morning and it was like it had never happened! He seems in a much better mood today, happily munching on his toast and being a bit funny and a bit cuddly. I've put it down to either one of, or all of three things:
1) Night terrors - seems a little young, but it would explain why he was so inconsolable and frightened of The Stay-At-Home Dad and Go-To-Work Mum;
2) The Food-Destroyers coming through and I can only imagine it hurts quite a bit - I can't quite rightly remember myself... (anyone would have thought he was the 1st baby to grow teeth though!); and
3) Maybe a little constipated - also associated (amongst other things) with new teeth.

Anyhoo, seems ok now. I'm off to try and do some Productive work in an attempt to make some money and stave off that black cloud that has been floating around near my head!

See you for Part 2 later.

The Stay-At-Home Dad

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