Monday 12 May 2008

The Stay-At-Home Dad is born!

Day one of The Stay-At-Home Dad's blog.

You shouldn't infer that this is the first day I've stayed at home; I am quite experienced in that respect. It doesn't mean it's the first day of me being a Dad either - I think Go-To-Work Mum would be most annoyed if I spent The Boy's First Day on the computer!

No, this is just the First Day Of The Rest Of My Life. Starting with the blog!

Despite it being Monday today, The Stay-At-Home Dad woke up fairly early this morning (a little dehydrated from yesterday's barbeque and drinks at Sister's house) to get a pint of water and greet the day with a smile. Which is how I felt this morning. Happy, positive and looking forward to having a productive week. (After weeks, then months of unabashed non-productivity, trying to pretend to be busy on the computer, then realising that that only works if you have a Job and an Employer to Pay you Money while you waste time).

Go-To-Work Mum made the first cuppa of the new week while The Stay-At-Home Dad inhaled the week's first nicotine-saturated roll-up and got dressed. Quick breakfast of weetabix for The Boy, then into the Family Chariot to drop off Go-To-Work Mum at The Office and then drop The Boy off at The Baby Farm where he goes 2 days a week.

After doing some of The Chores, The Stay-At-Home Dad settled down in front of the pc with a coffee and did the 1st thing any internet procrastinator must do: Check the Emails! Nothing too exciting, some bits of junk, apparently someone thinks I'm Hot on Facebook (woohoo!) and another auto-email from an internet guru urging me to pay an obscene amount of cash for a .pdf file containing all the secrets to a massive income from home - the only snag being that the offer only stands for ONE MORE DAY and my credit cards are all maxed out. (And the rest!) I'm never going to get rich this way, if only I had some means to put some money on my credit card to enable me to find the secrets to making exceedingly large piles of cash!

During last week's internet procrastination session, The Stay-At-Home Dad returned to the subject that must be familiar to any parent at home: Homeworking and how to make it work. How much rubbish I waded through I'm not sure, but there was a couple of gems in there (I think). But I think maybe one of the biggest "secrets" I "learned" (should have known) is to not put your email address into websites just to get to the next piece of information; the information contained therein is usually dubious in quality, in a colourful array of fonts, all designed to get you to spend your money. Rubbish. Even with the special offer emails, still Rubbish.

So, what's on the agenda for The Stay-At-Home Dad this sunny week in Gun Capital?
Well, I've started the blog, so that should keep me a little busy; I'm also designing a website that will have lots of lovely things to read, look at, review, and maybe some recommended products, so that you don't have to wade through all the crap that I did.
Most of that will have to be done tomorrow and in the evenings, because The Boy only goes to the Baby Farm Mondays and Tuesdays, then he's mine for the rest of the week! With weather like this I predict there will be much time spent in the park , with maybe a trip to the swimming pool, and probably a trip to See Nana Hugs as she recovers from her hip op, and maybe a trip to see Nana Wise, who has now successfully recovered from her second hip op. Anyone would think that they're in competition! (they're not!) It is mildly amusing now that The Boy has 2 Hip-Op Nanas.
Band practice tomorrow night in readiness for the gig in a coupla weeks, and aside from that, The Chores.

Thanks for reading, and hope to see you round these parts again.

The Stay-At-Home Dad

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