Tuesday 20 May 2008

Well after the temporary insanity (clarity of thought?) of my last post, I thought I'd leave it a couple of days before posting again. This is it.

We had a fairly quiet weekend; Saturday was just nice and relaxed, Go-To-Work Mum managed to get some of our products into a shop, which is a fairly big step.
We spent the afternoon playing with The Boy; while Go-To-Work Mum had a snooze (she had had an early start) I made a den for The Boy to play in. Against the sofa, I placed the pushchair and The Boy's highchair close enough to drape a blanket over, and with a cushion underneath the den was complete

The Boy loved it and played underneath it like a mad thing, spending a good 10 minutes or so running into the den and 'throwing' himself onto the sofa, then turning around, peeking at me from underneath the blanket, before running back out and collapsing on a cushion he had placed there. This continued until he misjudged his distance and threw himself onto the floor just in front of the sofa; I picked him up and held him, waiting the requisite 5 seconds for him to remember to breathe before he let out the big cry. He was easily consoled and soon playing with his toys again.

Sunday we had a lunch date with an old friend that I haven't properly seen for over 10 years! We had met up on a mutual friend's birthday in town a few weeks back and had resolved to get together for a civilised family meal now that we are both married with kids. It was a very pleasant afternoon, although I feel we caused the food to spoil a little due to our (almost legendary) tardiness. However my friend had made a gorgeous chocolate cheesecake (chocolate? And cheese? Am I hearing you right?) and I was compelled to eat not one but two slices! (those who know me know my tastes are usually far more savoury than sweet).

Yesterday just seemed to slip by, although I kept myself quite busy. I dropped off The Boy and Go-To-Work Mum and got stuck into a day of mega Chores. The flat looks better for it though, and now its done it should be easier to keep on top of.

Last night The Boy decided to wake up around 2.30 am and it was my turn to soothe him so we came into the living room to let GTW Mum get some sleep.

Alas, despite my best efforts, The Boy was not in a settling mood, firstly seeming to be annoyed the TV was on, then he kept sitting up just when I thought he'd dropped off. In the end I fell asleep, and GTW Mum was awakened by banging at about 4am - she came through to find that The Boy had clambered over me and off the sofa, and was currently using (banging the end on the floor) his toy Henry hoover to clean our laminate floor. In the dark.

GTW Mum took The Boy to bed, where he slept the rest of the night in his cot as soundly as I was sleeping on the sofa!

Thats all I've got right now, I have my other blog to write, and some vocal exercises to do - The Band has a practice tonight and a gig tomorrow.

Until the next time...

The Stay-At-Home Dad.

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