Wednesday 10 September 2008

This is the end...

...Not of everything of course, but this post signals the end of my oft-neglected blog as a SAHD.

But first a couple of loose ends to tie up:

1, the reason why I decided to start writing again (see my last post): During a large family get-together (GTW Mum's family, not mine!) Grandad Wise asked when I'd be writing again. This kinda surprised me, as I didn't realise anyone except me read what I wrote (horrible English; sorry), so I felt inspired to write again. It also chuffed me a little for various reasons and I felt a warm fuzzy glow, which coupled with aforementioned inspiration led me to write the last post.

2, the reason why I have decided to stop writing again: However, we had to move house about 3 months ago, but we didn't, and as we couldn't move house retrospectively, it had to be done. This was (is) a long job as the new house had to be emptied of various family member's belongings, rubbish, and redecorated, so I put my share of our small business on hold in an attempt to get everything done. Then we went on holiday for a week, came back, and spent another few days on the new house before getting a lot of our belongings moved in. This still left a lot of our belongings to move. This is almost done, and we're into the cleaning and mark-covering painting era of what could possibly be the most drawn out, convoluted house juggling/ moving fiasco ever. Almost done though. This is why I have been too busy to write. (That, and the lack of internet at our new house). However, myself and GTW Mum have come to the conclusion that our small cottage industry-type business will have to stay like that for the minute. Small. We could sell enough of our product to recoup the salary I gave up when I left work to bring up The Boy, but unfortunately we couldn't actually make enough product, or we could, but it meant we kinda had The Boy on a timeshare basis and rarely saw each other. Part of the point of being a SAHD is to have quality family time, put family before work etc, but we have reached the unenviable point where if we do not get some money soon, some large uneducated men will come round and remove all our possesions to sell at a huge discount. To avoid this, I am having to GET A JOB. Which means that I won't be a SAHD anymore. That is why I am having to end this blog, unfortunately. On the good news side, The Boy is now 18 months old and a credit to both parents (even if I do say so myself), and I have spent more time with him than I reckon my Dad spent with me in a 30 year period. It's gonna hurt, as I miss him when he's at The Baby Farm for a day, but, the bills won't pay themselves, and I have some talents that need to be put to good use, and some self-esteem that needs a boost.

3, I won't be stopping writing though; I'm just transferring my thoughts to a more appropriately titled blog which you can find at .
It will still have some stories about the family stuff, but also some of my thoughts as and when they arise, some good stuff, some negative stuff, and the odd rant when I'm doing my angry man act.

So, I bid a fond farewell as The Stay At Home Dad , but please do checkout my new blog, again (shameless plugging) entitled "the mentalist". If I have any readers at all, Thanks for taking the time to wander through my take on life, and putting up with my irregular posts. John, if you still read this, thanks for the inspiration!

For the last time, Dear Reader, I wish you the best, and thanks.

The Stay At Home Dad.